Monthly Archives: November 2018

Increase Accountability to Decrease Workplace Harassment

According to the U.S. EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission), on average, only about 6-13% of those who experience harassment in the workplace will go on to file a formal complaint. This figure is startling, as it means that the vast majority of instances will go unreported and—as a result—unpunished.  One of the most successful ways that offices can work to reverse this unsettling trend is by creating a culture of [...]


The Book that Will Help You Rethink Your Company’s Profit

There is an age-old budgeting method that you may be familiar with: “Pay yourself first.” Essentially it means that, as soon as you receive your paycheck, you should put a certain amount straight into your savings account before using it for bills or other expenses. This is a tried and proven tactic to increase one’s personal profitability and overall net worth. In the book Profit First: Transform Your Business from [...]


Why Every Senior Needs to Start Practicing Mindfulness

When some people hear “meditation” or “mindfulness,” they might immediately conjure up images of tree-hugging, granola-eating yogis. But all it really means is to be conscious of one’s surroundings and to focus on the present moment.  And while it may sound natural or easy to do, mindfulness takes practice and discipline. Our minds are often preoccupied or racing, whether we are busy thinking about the past or worrying about the [...]


4 Questions You Should Ask to Make a Good Decision

Every day we are faced with decisions that require us to make a choice. Most of these questions are relatively small and are answered with ease, but some have the power to dramatically alter the direction of our personal or professional lives. To better your decision-making ability, there are a few questions that you should be asking yourself when making any judgment, big or small. Question #1: What do I [...]

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